Hurwitz's theorem (complex analysis)

In complex analysis, a field within mathematics, Hurwitz's theorem, named after Adolf Hurwitz, roughly states that, under certain conditions, if a sequence of holomorphic functions converges uniformly to a holomorphic function on compact sets, then after a while those functions and the limit function have the same number of zeros in any open disk.

More precisely, let G be an open set in the complex plane, and consider a sequence of holomorphic functions (f_n) which converges uniformly on compact subsets of G to a holomorphic function f. Let D(z_0,r) be an open disk of center z_0 and radius r which is contained in G together with its boundary. Assume that f(z) has no zeros on the disk boundary. Then, there exists a natural number N such that for all n greater than N the functions f_n and f have the same number of zeros in D(z_0,r).

The requirement that f have no zeros on the disk boundary is necessary. For example, consider the unit disk, and the sequence

f_n(z) = z-1%2B\frac{1}{n}

for all z. It converges uniformly to f(z)=z-1 which has no zeros inside of this disk, but each f_n(z) has exactly one zero in the disk, which is 1-1/n.

This result holds more generally for any bounded convex sets but it is most useful to state for disks.

An immediate consequence of this theorem is the following corollary. If G is an open set and a sequence of holomorphic functions (f_n) converges uniformly on compact subsets of G to a holomorphic function f, and furthermore if f_n is not zero at any point in G, then f is either identically zero or also is never zero.

See also


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